Monday, June 3, 2013


Alright so continuing on with my Fiji adventures! The next morning I got up to watch the sunrise and sat in a hammock by the beach reading until everyone else got up and we went to breakfast. Let me tell you, there is nothing more relaxing and beautiful than an amazing Fijian sunrise. Its already warm in the morning and there is a light sea breeze coming off the ocean, it is one of a kind! After breakfast, Catherine, Ludwig (Guy we met from germany on the ferry) and I all grabbed our snorkeling gear and hopped into the boat to go on a snorkeling safari! We were shuttled around to 3 different locations around the islands to see some of the most amazing snorkeling, including a stop in the Blue Lagoon! The first stop it was sad because my goggles broke, so the driver dropped everyone else off and rushed me back to the resort so I could switch to a new pair. I finally got back and jumped right in the water. Diving down into the coral and swimming with fishes. I was so distracted by the reef that I didn't notice everyone else had swim off into another direction and were already on the boat. I didn't even see them until the boat was racing in my direction to pick me up. We then went to the two other spots and spent a good 2 hours in the water snorkeling. We then headed back to the resort for some lunch and a quick break before we were back on the boat and off to another location in the Blue Lagoon to do a fish feeding and snorkeling trip! When we jumped into the water the boat driver threw pieces of bread into the water and the fish swarmed!!! I don't think I have ever been immersed in that many fish! And they were quite aggressive. They would bump into you and nibble your feet not even caring what you were doing! It was pretty cool! We then went to another location in the Blue Lagoon to snorkel a little more and sit on the white sandy beach and sand bar. We then drove back to the resort. That night all gathered at the volleyball courts to play a few games against some of the locals from the village on the other side of the island.... The kicked our asses. But thats ok cause I had a blast. We then all went to the dining hall for another great meal, great drinks and great company! That night it was low tide and Amanda and I went wading out into the ocean to sit and look at the stars. The night was so clear and there were tons of stars! You could see the milky way and the southern cross along with the occasional shooting star! What a truly amazing day!!! More to come from Fiji! Cheers!

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