Monday, March 25, 2013

Livingston ridge

Hello all, so two weekends ago I took an amazing trip to Fiordland national park! I went with the university of Otago's tramping (hiking) club. I went on the livingston ridge trip. It was a completely off trail bush bashing hike that took around 11 hours to complete! It was stunning. by far the most amazing hike I have ever done. We were hiking up on a mountain ridge with two river valleys down below on either side and even larger mountain to the left and right! There were also a bunch of alpine lakes that we would wonder past on our trip. This was a really tough hike. It was uphill most of the way, sometimes climbing up huge peaks that would go straight up, all the while carrying a 50 lb pack on my back! It was insane! There was one point when we were starting our descent where we were climbing straight down with no path and barely any mountain to get a good hold for my feet and I slipped, both of my feet were in the air and I was sliding down the mountain very quickly. My mind was racing as I was trying to find a way out of this! Thankfully there was another person below me that saw all of this happening and stopped me before I went plummeting into thin air! That was a close call! We finally made it all the way down the mountain and slept the night in the Mckeller back country hut on the greenstone track. It was so nice to have a nice bed to sleep on (unlike the night before when I slept on he concrete in the divide shelter). We made a nice meal of some curry and lentils and I slept like a rock. The next morning I had a 5 hour easy hike along the greenstone and then the Routeburn to get back to the divide where we were picked up by the bus and started the long trip back. It was truly an amazing weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Almost Glacier National Park! This is what I expected to see on your blog. Thanks for sharing!
