Monday, March 25, 2013

Queenstown round two!

So my trip to Queenstown this second time was very different than my first. When I went with my mom it was quite relaxing and we would wander the streets, shop, eat amazing meals and sight see. This time it was all about the adventure! there was a huge group of us that went, around 20! The group I traveled with rented a 12 passenger van, which was really awesome, we left early saturday morning and got to Queenstown around 12:30. We had a quick lunch and then I was off to my first adventure. RIVERBOARDING! We were all given a wetsuit (the river was a glacial river and very cold), helmet and small boogie bard. We then were ushered down to the river where we received about 2 minutes of training and then were off! I was swimming down a river tackling class 3 rapids with no experience with white water and only a little boogie board to hold on to! It was incredible! Such a rush! There were some rapids that were so big that as I came up to them I basically closed my eyes, held my breath and held on for dear life! We got to run a 6 km stretch of river twice, so the second time was so much fun because I felt like an old pro! Crazy stuff.. That night we all went to a BYO (bring your own) at an amazing thai place and then hit the bars to experience Queenstown's night life, It was so much fun to be there with all of my friends! The next morning we woke up and checked out of our hostel, (I was staying in an 8 person co ed dorm style, I felt bad for the two random people in the room with all of us rowdy kids!), and then went out for an amazing breakfast. After breakfast I then had my next action adventure. The Nevis Bungy. The second tallest in the world sitting on a high wire between two cliffs at 134m high! I was surprisingly calm for most of the time leading up to it. I was just so excited I don't think I had time to be nervous. It was nuts sitting out in the little pod on the high wire looking through the glass floor below me and seeing one by one the people before me leap into thin air and about 3 seconds later be 134m below! They looked smaller than ants! Finally it was my turn to go. I sat down in the chair so they could strap me into the harness and to the bungee cord and by heart started racing. I stood up to walk over to the platform and bam, it hit me. I was looking down into a canyon and realized I was about to jump into nothingness. I took three deep breaths, put my toes over the ledge, the guy behind me said three, two one, and I leapt forward into a huge swan dive (I was screaming bloody murder before my feet even left the platform), and was falling, and falling, and I kept falling. I felt like I was in free fall forever and the ground was starting to get closer and closer, just then the bungy caught me and yanked me back up,  then my screams turn to pure joy and excitement! I was having the time of my life! I couldn't believe I had just done that! As I was hauled back up to the jump pod I had the biggest smile on my face! Pure joy is an amazing thing! I just cant wait to do it again!!! :D I eventually made it back to queenstown, got a Fergburger (best hamburger in the world) and we all piled into the 12 passenger van and drove home. Wow what an amazing weekend.


  1. Dearest Kailyn - You scare me. Please take care of my Kaily. I liked it a lot more when you were dancing. At least your feet were on the ground. Gram

  2. I thought you were there to study stuff?

    Uncle Steve

  3. I am so happy you are getting all of this stuff out of your system before I get there. We can sit in the hotel rooms and watch rugby matches! Proud of you kid!
