Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dog Days

One thing we are seeing a lot of here are dog beaches, dogs are allowed on almost all beaches! Beth and I keep saying how much we think Zara would love it here because she could run and jump in the surf and catch the drift wood logs that float in. She would have a blast if she was here. The one thing that will be hard about being away for so long is not being able to see my puppy dog! :( boo hoo, but 5 monts will go by way to quickly though and I need to focus on enjoying every minute of it!!
PS Beth took these pics...

You know I had to add this pic in... she is just so cute!

1 comment:

  1. More on the big trip! Dogs are great but let's see the whales! Your ma is home and in bed and has finally let down enough to have a migraine! Hopefully a couple days of rest will "cure" her. I can't wait to see the Kiwi Nation! Start planning our camping and train trip through the North Island. I plan to fly to Dunedin, grab you and hightail it to the ferry landing by Nelson and then up to Auckland. ...of course unless you've already done that with friends, in which case we'll do the rail tour of Australia! Woo hoo!
