Sunday, February 24, 2013

O week

This has been a very eventful week! So much to do! The day after my adventure in the Catlin's I took a train trip into the Taerie gorge just outside of Dunedin. The train trip was offered for free to all international students! It was a great way to just hangout and relax with my fellow study abroaders. The views of the gorge were also so stunning, and it was fun to chat with new people. IT was a really fun day. That night I went to town with some of my friends, and it was the craziest thing, on our way home just outside of my house on the street there was a small student riot where they were burning two couches! (They do this just for fun and to be a little crazy! no harm done, all though the police and fire departments don't much like it). The next day I attended my first ever RUGBY MATCH!!! WOOOO! There is a big stadium right in Dunedin where we cheered for the home team, The Otago Highlanders! Even though they didn't win :( it was still a really fun experience! We got all dressed up and I got to learn the rules to a sport very new to me! What fun! The next day a few of my friends and I took a trip to the north part of Dunedin to visit Baldwin street. It is the steepest street in the world according to the guinness book of world records! It was really hard to climb up but it was such a fun experience! And the views of north Dunedin were amazing! Today some friends and I took a trip out to Aranowa beach! There was a beautiful rock formation that has a whole in it that looks just like a heart! It was pretty cool. There were also some very big sand dunes, that of course I had to climb, and I jumped and leaped all the way down to the bottom. I also got to sit in the sun for awhile and climb some rocks. We then stopped in the little port town on the opposite side of the peninsula and stopped for some fish and chips, or as the Kiwis say if "fush and chups". All in all I have been having another amazing week. I start class on tuesday so I am pretty excited about that! Hope to hear from some of you! I always look foreword to emails! Cheers!


  1. Good grief! Do you ever sleep? You are one on-the-go gal! What classes will you have starting Tuesday? Everything you post is fun to read. Good descriptions of beautiful places. I love to open your postings. Take care of my precious granddaughter. Loves, Grammi

  2. If you spend your whole trip running up and down that street, you'll be ready to mountain goat with Paul Freedman in California! Beautiful pics! What's the deal with the big fire? and with the blanket? Keep having fun!
